Slit throat silicone prosthetic I built along with bladders for The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw. Application with Gunther Schetterer.
 Silicone neck scar I built and applied for Let Him Go.
 Silicone eye bag prosthetic I built and applied for Let Him Go.
 Silicone GSW prosthetic I built and applied for Let Him Go.
 Fargo S5 -Slit throat neck prosthetic I built and ran with bladders
 Fargo S5 -Slit throat neck prosthetic I built and ran with bladders. Throat slit to be cut in after, sculpted line just for indication
 Silicone application with Joanne Jacobsen.
  The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw silicone piece I built.
 Silicone neck wrap I built with bladders for El Chicano, application with Dave Trainor.
 Small version prosthetic build for El Chicano.
 Silicone piece I built and applied on Let Him Go. This is the test
 Cheek bone silicone prosthetics I built and applied.
 Silicone prosthetics I built for a show that is not out yet.
 Silicone neck prosthetic I built.
 Silicone neck prosthetic I built for Damnation.
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